Svartzonker McRubber
- 2 pieces
- Multiple available colours
- Length: 21 cm
- Large paddle tail
- Enticing action
- Striking eyes
- Ideal on a jighead or shallow rig
- A killer for pike!
The McRubber can be fished in different ways and is therefore suitable for different waters! This lure can be fished on a shallow rig or deeper in the water with a jighead. The large paddle tail gives the McRubber a unique and irresistible action that will trigger lots of strikes from big pike!
Flash Shiner & Perch
Baltic & Eelpout
Flash Bengal & Electric
C1 Rügen
C17 UV Perch
C20 McStrong
C25 Lemon Head
Real Pale Pike & Hot Eel
C0 Blue silver Glitter
Flash Electric Steel Head
Light Motoroil
Brown Back & Steel Blue Flash
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